Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Highlight of a Crapy Day

Today I had an off campus assignment to do, on my way back to campus I took a taxi who was bold enough to give me a ride to el sherook city at 2 pm on a Ramadan hot summer day. We agreed on 50 L.E … but when we actually got there, I had this compelling desire to give em more, I gave em a single 100 L.E banknote and I wished him a blessed day. He was shocked and replied “bas dah keteer awy ya beh” = that’s too much, sir... I smiled back at him and I kept walking to the entrance.

The thing is, I hate cap drivers, Truck drivers, bus drivers and above all the micro-bus drivers... but for a moment I had this weird notion that I should give the guy a break, he didn’t beg for it or anything... it’s not the spirit of Ramadan, but from time to time .. You have to make life easier for somebody else, you must spread the idea that free kindness do exist, and it happens in the weirdest situations. I was planning to take what I paid from the university, but I guess I’m happy with this jester and I won’t do anything to degrade that thought.

1 comment:

reham said...

you are just adorable , god bless you :)